About Us
Tyrer Ecological Consultants are a well-established and expanding ecological consultancy based in Formby on the beautiful Sefton Coast, and directed by Kylee Wilding who is at the helm of the company. Having been established in 1995, amalgamating decades of experience, Tyrer Ecological Consultants is the most established and experienced company, in relation to bats, in the North West of England.
The presence of protected species, habitats and sites at a development site can cause unwanted and costly delays if not addressed correctly. Here at Tyrer Ecological Consultants, we always advise clients to commission surveys at an early stage when considering or as soon as they have purchased a site. To this end, we conduct an initial assessment to identify potential and/or evidence of use by a protected species, and compile a thorough but concise report suitable to submit with Planning Applications which contains all relevant ecological detail.
Our surveys are undertaken by a suite of highly skilled and friendly ecologists, with a tremendous range of experience and whom are appropriately licenced for many species. Our staff always deliver service with a smile, and are proficient, our surveyors have been associated with Tyrer Ecological Consultants for many years and we deliver our surveys within budget and agreed timescales; which is particularly useful at peak survey times when clients need a quick response and turnaround of surveys.
We have a vast wealth of experience and a wide range of regular clients, which includes a number of large and smaller-scale developers, local authorities, the Highways Agency, Welsh Assembly and National Trust for example.

We are based in Formby, Merseyside which is conveniently located for the North West of England and beyond. Surveys have been undertaken from the Cairngorms to Dorset, but predominantly concentrated throughout Merseyside, Lancashire, Cheshire, Shropshire, Derbyshire, Midlands, Manchester, Cumbria, and North Wales, even venturing to the Isle of Man, South Wales and Ireland.
Tyrer Ecological undertake full ecological surveys including all protected species, UKHabitats, BNG, aerial tree inspections and ornithological surveys. We also undertake and are fully trained in bridge and culvert surveying and hold appropriate Confined Space Certification, and have three qualified tree climbers on the team.
Wildlife Legislation and species conservation are one of the many services provided along with a full service which will see clients projects to completion, including mitigation strategies, roost/wildlife enhancements and protected species licence applications where they are required.
Meet The Team
We are a well established ecological consultancy and undertake full ecological surveys for all protected species, which include bat surveys, Preliminary Ecological Assesments (PEA), aerial tree inspections and ornithological surveys. We also undertake and are fully trained in bridge and culvert surveying and hold appropriate Confined Space Certification.

Kylee Wilding

Josh Styles
Senior Ecologist
I have been involved with ecological consultancy work for 10 years, priding myself on delivering concise and objective reporting to our many clients within the appropriate time scales. I hold a Natural England Class 2 Bat License, Barn Owl Survey Class License and Natural Resources Wales Bat License. I have completed numerous successful European Protected Species Mitigation Licenses (EPSML) for a variety of bat species, and have been involved in obtaining licenses for the destruction of badger setts. I’m regularly involved with protected species surveys / survey techniques and mitigation schemes; during the bat survey season I enjoy coordinating our immediate and extending team through the dusk / dawn emergence / re-entry surveys, and am fully competent in the use of a variety of survey equipment and software analysis.

Experienced in PEA, EcIA, botanical (including NVC and bryophyte surveys), bat, ornithological, amphibian and reptile surveys and have previously led botanical surveys with Natural England. I have Graduated with a 1st class degree in BSc Ecology and with the study prize for highest aggregate grade within the Faculty of Arts & Sciences at Edge Hill University. I am a life-long and highly experienced botanist (FISC level 5); as well as consultancy, I have extensive experience in ecological research and practical conservation and have been awarded two academic achievement awards, an excellence scholarship and chancellors scholarship during my stay at Edge Hill University in recognition of my contribution to biological recording and to wildlife conservation in general.
I have a masters degree in Conservation Management following on from my degree in Rural Resource Management and achieved the student of the year award. With seven years’ experience in ecological consultancy I’m well versed in conducting preliminary ecological assessments and protected species surveys; taking on projects from inception to completion. I hold a Class 2 Natural England Bat License and have extensive experience in bat survey methods; design and implementation of mitigation schemes as well as on site supervision having completed numerous EPS licenses. I am an active VBRV for Natural England holding a Class 1 Licence and active within the UK bat care network.

I am licensed by Natural England to survey for protected amphibians and reptiles, namely Great Crested Newt, Sand Lizard and Natterjack Toad. I have considerable experience in protected species surveys in both urban and rural settings, in building demolition supervision, tree inspections and in conducting full ecological appraisals; my recent accolades include ‘Wildlife Champion’ for the Lancashire Wildlife Trust as well as attaining national recognition by the National Biodiversity Network, earning ‘Highly Commended in the Gilbert White Adult Award for Terrestrial & Freshwater Biological Recording’.
Our Clients
Meet The Team
Kylee Wilding CEnv MIEMA ACIEEM
I have worked within the ecology sector as both an ecological consultant and now company director holding over 15 year’s consultancy experience. I pride myself and Tyrer as a business on delivering an efficient service with concise and objective reporting, ensuring that quality assured ecological survey reports are submitted to our clients to support their planning applications. We as a business have widespread experience in providing highly recommended ecological services, and have produced a wide-ranging number of ecological reports which has resulted in our clients achieving their planning consent.
I am fully qualified in surveying in confined spaces, and I have completed a multitude of successful European Protected Species Mitigation License applications for a number of bat species, from small roosts to large and complex colonies. Specialising in this group, I am fully proficient in identifying and analysing bat calls both in the field and using bespoke software packages and have devised numerous successful tailored mitigation schemes to suit our clients developments whilst ensuring provision for roost longevity is achieved for the specific species which we are mitigating for. I have also been involved in licensing for other species, including badger, water vole and otter.
I am extremely proud of our ecology team, including a mix of permanent staff and sub-contractors, and keep our employees up to date with all their training needs, being dedicated to maintaining the highest standards.
In my spare time I enjoy keeping fit and can often be found running or cycling along the Sefton coast, with a bit of hiking or caving thrown in for good measure!
Licences: Class 2 Bat License, Barn owl survey class license, NRW Bat License. Accredited under Bat Earned Recognition class licence scheme.

Jonathan Pescod ACIEEM
Senior Ecologist
Johnny has been working as an ecological consultant for over 6 years, travelling up and down the country spending most of his time out in the field before coming back to Liverpool to join Tyrer. He completed a Masters in Animal Behaviour and Bachelors in Zoology at the University of Liverpool before deciding to try his hand at ecology, and has since developed field skills working with an array of taxa. He is experienced undertaking habitat, reptile, amphibian and bat surveys, but has an ever growing interest in and knowledge of birds, plants, fungi and invertebrates! Every year has brought new challenges and opportunities to learn, and since joining Tyrer Johnny has taken full advantage of the team’s collective knowledge to grow as an ecologist; as a Senior he enjoys passing this on to the newer members of the Tyrer team.
As well as being a confident field surveyor Johnny is skilled in GIS mapping, report writing, writing EPSML applications in England and Wales, and providing species specific mitigation recommendations. Johnny is a qualified tree climber, is qualified to work in confined spaces, and also recently achieved a FISC 4.
In his spare time Johnny enjoys bouldering and hiking and uses the time outdoors to provide biological records on a voluntary basis, and is a member of a number of local and national wildlife groups including the local bat group.
Licences: Great Crested Newt Survey license (Capture, Take, Disturb)

Tasha Hesketh
Consultant Ecologist, BNG Specialist
Tasha joined Tyrer in late 2021 and has been working as an Ecologist for 3 years having previously worked as Subcontractor and later as an Assistant Ecologist. Having Graduated from her MSc In Conservation Management From Edgehill University A course a credited by CIEEM in December 2021.
Through both her degree and previous work experience Tasha has gained a wide variety of skills across various competencies including a broad range of survey types and techniques for multiple taxa, QGIS and data analysis. She is experienced in undertaking Phase 1 habitat surveys, NVC surveys and in UK Habs and in the Biodiversity Net-gain strategies using the NE BNG Metric; Tasha has also achieved a FISC 4 in botany, and is certified to undertake River MoRPh assessments.
Tasha has a keen interest in botany and since coming to Tyrer she has been able to develop her botanical skills further by surveying a wide range of habitats and has assisted in various Ecological clerk of works (ECoW), writing EPS mitigation licenses, undertaken hibernation bat box checks, and is also now a qualified tree climber!
In her spare time Tasha enjoys making the most of the outdoors by going bouldering, wild swimming, and hiking. She also enjoys gardening and tending her vegetable plot.

Katherine Judson Qualifying CIEEM
Consultant Ecologist
Katherine has worked as an ecologist for three years having previously worked as a subcontractor Ecologist for various companies across the north-west and later as a graduate Ecologist before joining us at Tyrer in 2022. She graduated in 2019 with an MSc in Conservation Management (a CIEEM accredited course) following the completion of a BSc in Biology in 2018.
Through her degree and previous work experience, Katherine has become an accomplished botanist, achieving an excellent FISC 5, and has led grass ID sessions for undergraduates as well as providing training in NVC for the Wildlife Trust. She is also experienced in undertaking Phase 1 habitat surveys, UKHabs surveys and various protected species surveys.
Since working at Tyrer Katherine has built upon her experience and skills in undertaking PEA surveys and has undertaken several bat hibernation surveys.
In her spare time, Katherine enjoys swimming, reading and hiking!

Danny Burrows Qualifying CIEEM
Project Ecologist
Danny has been working as an ecologist for 4 years within various ecological consultancies, before joining Tyrer in late 2022. He has graduated with both a BSc (Hons) in Wildlife Conservation at LJMU and recently MSc in Conservation & Biodiversity from Lancaster University in 2021.
He has developed a keen understanding of field ecology from his various professional, educational and voluntary experiences, including competence in surveying habitats, herpetofauna, and terrestrial mammals; however, he has a specific passion for natterjack toad conservation, otter ecology, and ornithology (as a keen bird watcher). He has also had extensive experience in Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) on a range of sites. Danny considers himself a generalist and sees all opportunities as valuable learning points; since joining Tyrer he has been developing his botanical skills through a range of baseline habitat assessments and has been involved in BREEAM 2018 schemes and other technical reports. He is keen to engage with Tyrer’s clients and offer his expertise and unique perspective, and is looking forward to the future with Tyrer!
In his spare time Danny has a range of hobbies including photography, cycling, and most importantly baking (a self-described bread-making expert), along with volunteering with local groups in the north-west. The Tyrer team are eagerly awaiting the first (hopefully, of many) freshly baked bread tasting session!
Licences: Great Crested Newt Survey license (Capture, Take, Disturb)
Sand Lizard & Natterjack Toad (Take, Disturb)
Joe Hark
Qualifying CIEEM
Consultant Ecologist
Joe joined the team in March 2024 as a Consultant Ecologist, having worked in Ecology and Conservation within various companies across Wales and the north-west, and has previous experience with invasive species management and habitat management and restoration. He holds tickets in:
Safe use of pesticides
Stem injection
Strimmer and brushcutter
Forward-tipping dumper driving.
He graduated from the University of Salford with a Masters degree in Wildlife Conservation in 2021 where his dissertation used data from the Devon Greater Horseshoe Bat Project to assess landscape scale associations between bat presence and human wealth (the luxury effect).
Joe has attended training courses for GCN, barn owl ecology and phase 1 habitat surveying, and has experience with conducting a range of ecological surveys including for bats, GCN, invertebrates and invasive species, and has conducted multiple PRA and PEA surveys.
In his spare time Joe enjoys cooking, walking, and board games, with Wingspan being a favourite.
Ben Richards
Consultant Ecologist
Ben joined Tyrer in January 2022 and has since had the chance to work on a variety of tasks for a wide range of taxa, undertaking Preliminary Roost Assessments, hibernation surveys & ECoW for bats, breeding and overwintering bird checks, eDNA, bottle trapping, torching & egg searching for GCN, red squirrel surveys, natterjack toad surveys and botanical surveys across a range of different habitats, including both PEAs and NVC surveys. He has experience volunteering with Amphibian and Reptile Conservation in the north-west, and has attended training courses for GCN surveys and licensing, bat handling and identification, botanical species ID as well as for BNG, through from v2.0 to the now statutory metric, with associated SSM. He also attained a Civil Aviation Authority Flyer and Operator ID, and attained a FISC Level 3 in respect of botanical skills in 2023.
Through his integrated Masters degree in Biological Sciences (Zoology) at the University of Liverpool, from which he graduated in 2021, Ben completed research projects on Anserini behavioural patterns as well as investigating the impact of pesticides on key plant species for bees.
In his free time, Ben enjoys walking at sites across the UK, is a member of the RSPB and an amateur birdwatcher, as well as being a keen rugby fan.
Harry Mulligan Qualifying CIEEM
Consultant Ecologist
Harry joined tyrer in June 2022 on a seasonal basis undertaking bat surveys, before taking on a full time position in August. Since then, he has developed his skills and experience in all areas of Ecology, undertaking a wide range of cross-species and botanical surveys, and attending training courses for areas such as BNG, botany and bat identification. Harry is a qualified tree climber, and in 2023, he achieved a FISC Level 3 in respect of botanical skills. He also has experience volunteering with a consultancy in Belfast and is a Qualifying member of CIEEM.
Harry completed an integrated Masters degree in Biological Sciences (Zoology) at the University of Liverpool alongside Ben, graduating in 2021, where he undertook research projects assessing the effect of climate change on native plant species and the effect of human bird-feeding on wetland bird behaviour. Harry is qualified in River MoRPh assessment.
In his free time Harry is a big football and rugby fan, enjoys cooking, and walking in nature.

Jaymie-Lee Collins
Junior Ecologist
Holly McGlynn
Junior Ecologist
Jaymie joined Tyrer in April 2024 as a junior ecologist after volunteering with the Lancashire Wildlife Trust at Freshfield Dune Heath and with the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation group in the north-west. She has attended training courses for sand lizard and natterjack toad surveys, botanical species ID and bat identification. Since joining the company, she has had the chance to work on a variety of projects for a range of taxa, undertaking Preliminary Roost Assessments, bottle trapping and torch searching for GCN, badger surveys and botanical surveys across a range of different habitats including PEAs. She also has a full certification for tractor driving attained in 2024.
Jaymie completed both her BSc (Hons) and MSc in Wildlife Conservation and Conservation and Drone Applications at Liverpool John Moore’s University respectively, where she undertook research projects on how human socio-economic factors influence urban greenspace biodiversity.
In her free time Jaymie enjoys birdwatching, reading and sketching.
Holly joined the team in November 2024 as a junior ecologist following the completion of both her BSc (Hons) in Ecology and Conservation and MSc in Conservation Management (a CIEEM accredited course). During this period she undertook research projects on how rotational grazing impacts dung beetle populations and the influence of vermicompost tea on meadow plant species.
Through her degree and her volunteering with the Lancashire Wildlife Trust and other local nature groups, Holly has gained skills and experience in a variety of ecological techniques, including sampling and surveying skills for a range of taxa, report writing, QGIS and data analysis. Holly has also achieved a FISC 3 in botanical identification. Since joining Tyrer, Holly has been able to expand upon her experience and has taken part in bat hibernation surveys, PEAs and BNG assessments.
When not surveying Holly enjoys crocheting, hiking, and board games, with Skyjo being her favourite game.
Tom Lefebure
Junior Ecologist
Tom joined Tyrer at the start of 2025 as a junior ecologist having previously worked in conservation within a local government setting. Tom has worked on several ecological projects and holds experience in a variety of different species surveys, including for GCN and Natterjack toads. He has also been involved in botanical surveying and managing native wildflower meadows. Tom has received advanced training in GCN identification and surveying, as well as attending botanical species ID workshops. Additionally, he has also previously taken part in bat identification sessions and has hosted bat walks for local groups using detectors and torches.
Tom graduated from the University of Liverpool with a Masters degree in Environmental Assessment and Management in 2023, where he focused his dissertation on the holistic management of temperate woodland habitats in Wales, working closely with key landowners to better understand how their sites are managed for conservation.
In his spare time, Tom is a keen long-distance runner, and an avid football fan. He also enjoys film and is a frequent cinema-goer.