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Reptile Survey

The four widespread species of British reptile: grass snake, slow-worm, adder and common lizard are legally protected under UK law. The much rarer smooth snake and sand lizard are fully protected under UK and EU law and require a European protected species licence from Natural England if a development affects them or their habitat.

Habitats favoured by reptiles tend to be sunny, undisturbed, well drained and often south facing and typical habitats vary from grass and heather heathland to disused allotments suburban wasteland.

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Reptiles are generally active from March to October but the most conducive months for surveying tend to be April, May and September, however, the exact timing is dependant upon temperature, rainfall and other climatic patterns as these factors affect activity, breeding and feeding activities.

Our initial survey will identify the potential for reptiles occurring on the site and if they will be impacted by the proposed project. If the assessment reveals that the site has potential, a reptile refugia survey will be required to ascertain the presence or absence of reptiles. This involves the distribution of reptile refugia across the site in areas considered suitable for reptiles. The refugia are then inspected by a qualified ecologist at regular intervals. If reptiles are using the site then further mitigation works such as suitable receptor sites and translocation of reptile populations from development sites are likely to be necessary.

Thanks in part to our location on the Sefton Coast and in part to our enthusiastic team, we are licensed and experienced in undertaking surveys for the specially protected sand lizard.


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Tyrer Ecological Consultants
Roselands, Suite 1,

3 Cross Green, Formby

L37 4BH

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