Ecological Clerk of Works
An Ecological Clerk of Works, commonly referred to as ECoW, refers to the presence of a suitably qualified ecologist attending a site to perform one or more duties, which might include:-
Providing a ‘toolbox talk’ and/or site induction to site personnel
Pre-works checks for protected species
A watching brief during demolition to ensure no species are harmed during the works
An ECoW is frequently required as part of European Protected Species Mitigation Licences, and may be required after previous preliminary or species-specific surveys have been carried out, either as a recommendation from the ecologist or as a condition from the Local Planning Authority or other party. An ECoW should ensure that all works on a site are undertaken in accordance with ecological legislation and best-practice to prevent an offence being committed, and as such the ECoW needs to be a highly competent ecologist with a good grasp of the relevant legislation, and the ability to adapt to each site as it progresses.
Tyrer Ecological Consultants Ltd brings together over 30 years of cumulative experience; all of our ecologists regularly undertake ECoW work in relation to a variety of protected species, and we are confident that we can inform your site personnel exactly what is required from commencement to completion of the works.
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Tyrer Ecological Consultants
Roselands, Suite 1,
3 Cross Green, Formby
L37 4BH