Great Crested Newt
Great Crested Newts (GCN) receive full protection in the UK as a European Protected Species (EPS) listed under the Conservation of Habitats & Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) and the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). Breeding ponds, resting places (often termed refugia or hibernacula) and animals themselves receive protection at all life stages from death, destruction, damage, even disturbance, and developments up to 500 metres of a potential breeding pond can expect some level of survey effort / local planning authority scrutiny in considering GCN. Surveys for GCN need to take place predominantly in Spring (between March and June, when adults are in the water) can take the form of one or all of the following survey techniques before the local planning authority can be reliably informed of a scale of impacts:
Habitat suitability index (HSI) – an assessment of a pond for its viability to support GCN,
Presence/absence surveys / population size class assessments – using the full suite of techniques including aquatic funnel trapping, torching, netting, egg searches, terrestrial refuge searches and environmental DNA (eDNA),
Given their strict protection, licenced personnel are required to carry out these survey methods; Tyrer Ecological Consultants Ltd employs some of the regions most experienced licenced GCN Ecologists (for England and Wales). Our company can:
Carry out all necessary survey techniques for GCN to support your planning application / project,
Prepare bespoke reports tailored to your proposed site plan optimising cutting edge mitigation, be it small scale or very large / infrastructure scale,
Prepare and successfully attain European Protected Species Mitigation Licences (EPSML), District Level Licence (DLL), as necessary,
Design habitat creation plans, formulate management plans, and carry out any necessary post-development aftercare and monitoring
Get in touch with a member of our team to discuss your project today.
Our GCN surveys often turn up other amphibians such as these smooth newts (Lissotriton vulgaris)!
Natterjack Toad
This species is native and very rare in the UK and is confined to just a small number of sites; it’s threatened by the loss of coastal habitat. This amphibian is nocturnal and can be found in dune pools or slacks on warm nights during the breeding season, it is confined to coastal systems, coastal grazing marshes and sandy heaths.
During the breeding season males come to the pools and use their distinctive ratchet like call which can be heard up to a mile away to call females. Tadpoles develop quickly and the young toadlets have usually left the pools by late summer.
Natterjack Toads have full legal protection under UK law making it an offence to kill, injure, capture, disturb or sell them, or to damage or destroy their habitats. Tyrer Ecological Consultants Ltd are licenced to survey and handle this EPS and so are able to offer tailored surveys for this specially protected species.
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Tyrer Ecological Consultants
Roselands, Suite 1,
3 Cross Green, Formby
L37 4BH