Preliminary Ecological Survey
During an extended Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA), habitats are mapped using the UK Habitats Classification V2.0 (UKHab) and the need for further protected habitat and species survey work is scoped in or out of the project. Each habitat type is defined by way of a brief description and is allocated a specific name, an alpha-numeric code, and unique mapping colour. The system has been widely used and acts as the standard habitat mapping classification integrated into PEAs, in determining baseline conditions on sites. Previously, the industry standard for habitat mapping was JNCC Phase 1; sometimes you may be asked for this by a planning authority and whilst typically UKHab will be accepted, our team are also familiar with Phase 1.
The key objectives of a PEA are to:
· identify the possible ecological constraints associated with a project
· identify any measures likely to be required following the ‘Mitigation Hierarchy’
· identify any additional surveys that may be required to inform an Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)
· identify the opportunities offered by a project to deliver ecological enhancement (CIEEM 2017 2nd edition)
A desk study is also typically carried out in conjunction with the PEA field survey element to collect all existing ecological data about the site. Desk study provides critical information on which species may be present at or within close proximity to the study area, potential impacts of a given development on particular species / habitats, and the legal and planning policy issues that may need to be addressed.
From a PEA, we will identify whether further ecological surveys would be required to enable a smooth route through the planning process.
Our ecologists at Tyrer Ecological Consultants have extensive experience in the standard UKHab survey methodology and have carried out numerous ecological risk assessment and ecological scoping surveys.
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Tyrer Ecological Consultants
Roselands, Suite 1,
3 Cross Green, Formby
L37 4BH